Thursday, December 28, 2006

Running Through a Thousand years of History 穿越千年歷史的長跑

Running Through a Thousand years of History – Angkor Wat International Half-Marathon

Anthony and I became friends when we joined hiking activities together. However, the number of time we met on the running tracks was far more than that in the countryside, since he is an enthusiast of cross-country running as well as a good amateur half-marathon runner. During a hiking and camping trip in the Mainland in October, we were taking about an overseas half-marathon event being held in two month's time. I had been running for more than 4 years, and the only overseas event I had joined was the Beijing Marathon last year. But that was not the reason of my being interested in the event. What interested me was actually the venue – the nearly thousand-year-old Angkor Wat of Cambodia, world heritage site and one of the 7 wonders of the world. This is probably a once-a-lifetime event for many runners. I knew that a group of Hong Kong runners had planned to go, and Anthony was going to check out if I could join.

A month had passed but there was still no news. Since internet online registration was available, the plan was to wait until the air tickets were confirmed. However, seats for direct flights from Hong Kong to Siem Reap (where the Angkor Wat is located) were limited and ticket booking was rather complicated. In addition, the number of people going was ever changing (eventually there were only 4 going : Anthony, Brian the organizer, me and Kenneth). By the time the tickets were confirmed, the online registration was already closed. Thanks to hard work by Brian who organized this trip, we finally got a place in the participants' list.

The event was held on Sunday, the 17th of December. We were already in Siem Reap, the ancient capital of Cambodia, in the evening of the 15th, since there were direct flights only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. We had spent a whole day sightseeing in the ancient ruins of the Angkor city on the next day, and checked out the route of the half-marathon at the same time. Our legs were actually exhausted by the end of the day, but the magic of the traditional Khmer massage had worked wonder on us. Early in the morning at 05:40 of the 17th, we left the hotel in the dark on a Tuk Tuk (3-wheel motor cycle commonly used in SE Asia for transportation), heading for the starting point of the event – Angkor Wat. The weather in December was rather pleasant in Cambodia : temperature at 23 degree Celsius in the morning, and relative humidity 50%, rather comfortable for running a half-marathon too.

Now in its 11th year, the Angkor Wat Half-marathon event was organized by the Japanese NGO “Heart of Gold” from the Okayama city of Japan, and joined by the Cambodian Olympic Committee. What was special about the event was the participation of many Cambodian landmine victims. The main aims were to increase the world's awareness of the landmine problems and the care of the victims. Most of the registration fees collected were used for the victims' rehabilitation and the HIV/AIDS Awareness Program for the young people in Cambodia. Arimori Yuko of Japan, the "Heart of Gold" ambassador as well as the Atlanta Olympic marathon medal holder, had also joined the race. The number of participants reached its highest this year, with 2,757 runners from 32 countries.

6:00 a.m., the starting point in front of the entrance causeway of Angkor Wat was packed with people. The half-marathon event started at 6:30, and w had to gather at the starting line before we could barely warm-up ourselves. There was no time-zone arrangement, and suddenly we found that we were standing at the first row with Arimori Yuko. I was too embarrassed to stay there and therefore moved aside, since I was such a slow runner and did not want to become an obstacle the others.

The starting gun was fired, and everyone sprinted forwards. The beautiful morning sun rose from behind the temple towers of the Angkor Wat at the same time, but hardly anyone had noticed that. The first 1km was along the moat of the Angkor Wat. I could see wild monkeys coming out from the wood and watching the runners passing by. The wheel chair group started 15 minutes after us, and they caught up with us as we were approaching the 2.5km turning-back point.

I had not had any training since the last Nike 10K race as I had been sick for a while. Therefore I was not hoping for anything but completing the race in a relaxing way. The track was actually nearly prefect : flat, straight, asphalt-paved, densely wooded on both sides, with water station at every 2.5km, and the beautiful ancient temples and ruins scattered along the route. I was able to keep the pace of 5min/km on the first 10km. It was really enjoyable to run along the ancient wall, passing by the monumental ruins and temples of Prasat Kravan, Ta Keo, Banteay Kdei and Ta Prohmand. But the most enjoyable of all, was the cheering from the smiling village children who ran with us or stood on both sides of the road holding out their hands. I just slowed down and reach out to clap the hands of every child and "give them five". I was actually slowing down by doing so, but I did not mind at all, for that was such touching and enjoyable moment.

The route then passed through the monumental Victory Gate, entering the ancient royal city of Angkor Thom. It was just like meeting again some friends who I had just be acquainted with in the previous day : the 12 Towers, the Palace ruins, the Terrace of the Elephants, the Phimeanakas, and he Bayon Temple. As a result of the lack of training, I started to slow down further to a pace of 6min/km. "No pain, no gain". That was always true, especially for long distance running.

As I left Angkor Thom through the South Gate, I met with the crowd of tourists heading for the Angkor Thom. Cars lined up along the road, and I could see the tourist-carrying elephants rushing by along the path just beside the road. This was not something that I expected, but I could not blame anyone but myself - I was too slow. Most of the runners had already finished the race half an hour ago, and they certainly had not experienced such situation.

The finishing point was actually right next to the starting point. The last 1km was also running along the moat of the Angkor Wat. I was rather surprised to see some Japanese ladies cheering me by giving me a "Ganbadei" as I was approaching the finishing line. They must have mistaken me as a Japanese runner. Well, why disappointing them? I responded by "giving them five". And there they were, Anthony, Brian and Kenneth, who had been waiting so long for me. Sorry about that, brothers.

Anthony was very happy, since he had finished with a PB in spite of the exhausting sightseeing trip in previous day - the traditional Khmer massage did work! And me, finished with a PW as expected. But I did not mind at all. The important things was, I had had a most enjoyable race.

穿越千年的長跑 - 吳哥窟國際半馬拉松



半程馬拉松在12月17日舉行,因為每週只有星期一、三、五才有班機直航,我們在15日晚上已經到達了柬埔寨古都暹粒。16日趁空檔訪遊了吳哥王朝遺跡,順道視察了賽道,回來後雙腳竟然有點酸軟,幸好有高棉古法按摩的幫助,疲勞盡消。17日清晨5:40,天還未光,我們便乘坐預約好的嘟嘟車(Tuk Tuk,一種東南亞地區的三輪摩托車,暹粒的則由摩托車拖著一載客的兩輪拖卡)離開酒店,出發到吳哥窟。柬埔寨十二月份的氣候比較宜人,清晨氣溫攝氏23度,濕度百分之五十左右,進行長跑運動,算是十分舒服,我們乘著無遮無擋的Tuk Tuk在路上飛馳,還感覺有點冷呢,幸好帶上了風褸。

吳哥窟國際半程馬拉松,今年已經是第十一屆,由日本岡山市的非政府組織「金心」(Heart of Gold)發起,與柬埔寨奧委會共同舉辦。賽事特別之處,是參賽者中有很多是柬埔寨內戰時留下的地雷的受害者,賽事就是旨在向世人呼籲禁止地雷和關懷地雷受害者,收集的參賽費用,亦用來支援柬埔寨地雷受害者及開展青少年艾滋病預防活動。作為「金心」的愛心大使,日本奧運女子馬拉松獎牌運動員有森裕子亦有參賽。今年參賽人數為歷屆最多,共32個國家達2757人。



自Nike十公里以後,因為身體不適,已有一個月完全沒有練過跑,所以今次是志在參與,打算只輕鬆完成便行了。那是一條近乎完美的賽道:全程平坦的柏油路、林蔭夾道、每2.5公里的水站,還有令人讚嘆的古跡不斷在眼前和兩邊出現。開首十公里,我還能保持5分鐘1公里的速度,沿著古老的城牆、經過荳蔻寺(Prasat Kravan) 和 塔高寺(Ta Keo)宏偉的遺跡、Banteay Kdei和塔普倫寺(Ta Prohm)莊嚴的大門,但最令人開心的,是沿途村莊的孩子們,他們或跟著跑一段,或站到路邊興奮地伸出手,用笑容鼓勵著參賽者,我亦放慢腳步,邊跑邊和站在路邊的孩子們擊掌。我是越跑越慢了,但卻完全不在乎,因為我很享受。

賽道接著穿過宏偉的勝利門(Victory Gate),進入了大吳哥城遺跡。城內的十二塔(Prasats Sour Prat)、皇宮遺址、象台、空中宮殿(Phimeanakas)、巴容寺(Bayon),都是昨天剛探訪完的古蹟,那是另一種感覺,猶如重見剛相識的朋友一般的感覺。跑步從來都是一分耕耘一分收獲的,疏於練習的結果,就是步速開始降至6分鐘1公里了。




Sunday, December 24, 2006

《合唱俠》- 無伴奏合唱 Sregnis Singers - A cappella Ensemble

《合唱俠》- 無伴奏合唱

剛欣賞完一場精彩的聖誕音樂會,那是一場比較特別的音樂會--基本上沒有樂器,對,沒有樂器。應該是說,十把美妙的聲音,就是天賦的樂器,合奏出和諧悅耳的音樂。我說的是無伴奏合唱組合(A cappella Ensemble)《合唱俠 Sregnis Singers》的聖誕音樂會。

由於自己在大學時代也有參加過大學合唱團的關係,對多聲部合唱的音樂,比較有親切感,而參加合唱團後的第一次演出,曲目就包括了Dvorak 的無伴奏合唱 Songs of Nature。人的聲音本身就是一件美妙的樂器,不同的音色音域的唱詠聲配合起來,效果毫不遜色於一隊管弦樂團。近代的合唱音樂,多聲部的歌聲,加上整隊管弦樂團,氣勢磅礡,其實它們的始祖,就是無伴奏合唱(a cappella)。A cappella一詞為義大利文,原義是「教堂風格的合唱」,起源可追溯至中世紀歐洲的宗教聖樂。當時的教會音樂只以人聲清唱,有點似現在佛教僧尼的佛經吟唱,稱為讚歌Chants)或素歌(Plain Song,=
格列高利聖詠 Gregorian chant)。

素歌都是單聲部和自由節奏的,多聲部的無伴奏合唱音樂,要到公元第10世紀才出現,形式主要仍是以素歌為主旋律,再加上和聲聲部,稱為奧爾干農(Organum),之後發展出三、四部的奧爾干農(triplum,quadruplum)。直到15世紀文藝復興時代,無伴奏合唱才有另一番新景象,出現了出代表性的牧歌(Madrigal,歌詞內容多與嚮往田園生活有關)。牧歌並非聖樂,a cappella開始被廣義地理解為「無伴奏合唱」,不再是狹義的定義「聖樂」。17世紀後,西方樂器的發展迅速,作曲家轉向為小提琴、鋼琴等譜寫樂曲,19世紀管弦樂大盛,各類聲樂作品都有樂器伴奏,可以說是無伴奏合唱的消退期。

和諧的純人聲合唱,始終有其魅力,到了20世紀初,無伴奏合唱重新流行起來,1909年耶魯大學的Whiffenpoofs 成立,無伴奏合唱由美國開始,擴散至歐洲,以至世界各地。1963年成立的
Swingle Singers,以及1968年首演、來自劍橋大學英皇書院的King's Singers (英皇合唱團),成為了現代無伴奏合唱組合的經典,此後,美國各大學的無伴奏合唱組合紛紛出現。1983年,組合 The Flying Pickets 更憑《Only You》打入Billboard流行榜首位達5週之久。

成立於一九九四年、被日本「朝日放送」譽為「香港的Swingle Singers」的《合唱俠》,可以說是香港音樂界的異數。我最初接觸到他們的表演,是「學士合唱團」的音樂會,他們是合唱團的成員之一。得知原來合唱團中的精英,同時組成了小組合唱團,才開始留意他們的演出。除了每年的聖誕音樂會外,他們亦應邀作不定期的演出,例如香港繽紛冬日節、文化中心週末藝趣、各大購物中心的Road Show等等,主要是希望藉此向公眾介紹不同類型的小組合唱音樂,提高本港市民的音樂欣賞能力。如果碰巧有空,我都會到場欣賞,作為對他們熱心推廣音樂文化的支持。

無伴奏合唱組合在香港並不多見,除了另一著名的組合中文大學崇基學院的《姬聲雅士》(Gay Singers)外,好像沒有其他,也許其中一個原因,是無伴奏合唱對成員的要求甚高:沒有了樂器的幫助/遮醜,對成員音準控制方面要求更高;同時,無伴奏合唱對整體和諧度的要求也嚴格。另一方面,專為無伴奏合唱而寫的作品,數目有限,現成的改編樂譜也不多,成員需要自己編寫或改編適合多聲部合唱的樂譜。所以,無伴奏合唱絕對是對各成員的音樂造詣的大挑戰。組成《合唱俠》的十位青年歌手,原來每位都已有多年的合唱及演唱經驗,而且大部份是主修音樂,接受過正統的聲樂、器樂及作曲的訓練。各成員豐富和高水平的演唱經驗,加上對小組合唱的熱愛和不斷努力,他們今天的成績,絕不是僥倖。

為了更有效地向公眾推廣小組合唱音樂,和《姬聲雅士》一樣,《合唱俠》表演風格多變,經常令觀眾耳目一新,選唱的曲目不只是現成的聲樂作品,亦不限於古典音樂,而是包羅萬有,看他們過去多次的演出,有改編器樂作品、西方古典作品、中外藝術歌曲、音樂劇插曲、黑人靈歌、更有中西日韓流行曲等。今次的聖誕音樂會,還別開生面地包括了蒙古語歌曲《吉祥三寶》,詼諧的演出令觀眾捧腹大笑之餘,亦拍爛手掌。不過我最喜歡的,還是改編自史麥塔那(Smetana)的交響詩選段《莫爾德河》 (Die Moldau),十把聲音,把原管弦樂合奏洶湧磅礡的氣勢重現。


Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumble Bee - 2004音樂會的演出片段

Friday, December 22, 2006

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas


中學會考後,到了愛爾蘭升學,那是一個虔誠的天主教國家,同學都回家過聖誕節,自己初到貴境,兼且一個人身在異地,沒有了喧鬧的大小派對,倒能真正細心體會傳統的聖誕節氣氛。那時開始接觸到一些 "Jingle Bells" "Joy to the World" 等例牌聖誕歌以外的聖誕音樂,其中一首最令我動容的,是 《Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas》。

多位著名殿堂級歌手都唱過這首歌,其中包括了芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbara Streisand)和法蘭仙納度拉(Frank Sinatra),最近期的,應該是James Taylor 2001年的版本。這原是一首美高梅音樂劇電影中的插曲,出現在1944年的《 Meet Me In St. Louis》其中一幕:即將要離鄉別井、面對不可預知的未來的茱迪嘉蘭(Judy Garland) 以感懷的聲調,向妹妹Tootie唱出這首歌...

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
Next year, all our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Make the yuletide gay
Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Once again as in olden days

Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who were near to us
Will be near to us once more

Someday soon we all will be together

If the fates allow.
Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.






1984年的聖誕節快要來臨前,剛經歷過一場大旱災後的非洲埃塞俄比亞人,面臨餓死的威脅。英國流行音樂工作者在Bob Geldof的發起下,共同創作及演唱了一首歌,為這些非洲饑荒難民展開募款,這就是著名的《Do They Know It's Christmas? 他們知道現在是聖誕節嗎?》

 It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid
 At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade
 And in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy
 Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time.

 But say a prayer, pray for the other ones
 At Christmas time, it's hard,
 but when you're having fun, there's a world outside your window,
 and it's a world of dread and fear 
 where the only water flowing is the bitter string of tears
 And the Christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom
 Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you!

 And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time
 The greatest gift they'll get this year is life
 Where nothing ever grows, No rain or rivers flow
 Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

 Here's to you raise a glass for everyone
 Here's to them underneath that burning sun
 Do they know it's Christmas time at all?
 Feed the world, Let them know it's Christmas time again






每年聖誕節,滿街滿巷都播放著那些留傳千古的聖誕應景歌曲,但出現在我腦海中的,總會是這首《Do They Know It's Christmas?》今年或許不再是埃塞俄比亞,但是前年南亞海嘯大災難中的受災者,很多仍處貧困邊緣,至今仍有逾百萬無家可歸;剛過去的菲律賓和越南風災,超級颱風「榴槤」造成嚴重傷亡,災民人數高達100萬。




Wednesday, December 20, 2006

深山含笑 - 冬日山中的白衣仙子 Maud's Michelia

深山含笑 - 冬日山中的白衣仙子

本港在冬日開放的野生花卉中,要選出最美麗的,深山含笑(Michelia maudiae,又稱莫氏含笑)肯定是其中一種。常綠的深山含笑,屬於本地稀有的樹木品種,在境內只在三處地方有發現的紀錄。每年的一月期間,整棵樹都會被大而雪白的花朵所覆蓋,中心鮮黃色的花藥,配以閃亮的深綠樹葉作背景,的確是一幅絕美的圖畫。 含笑屬的深山含笑,與園藝栽種的荷花玉蘭、紫玉蘭等是近親,同屬木蘭科的植物,是香港的特有品種,1900年在香港首次被發現。發現這個新品種的,是當時任職植物及林務署的S. T. Dunn,並以他妻子的名字莫氏(Maud)來命名。深山含笑是根據香港法例第96章《林務規例》受保護的品種。

自從Derek Kamp在他1985年出版的著名作品 "12 Hong Kong Walks" 中,詳述了深山含笑被發現時的生長地點後,不少植物愛好者都已曾慕名前往觀賞過這些美麗的樹木。書中是這樣描述的:「當滿樹冠的花朵盛放時,數英里範圍內都可以清楚地看得見,大東山山峰下的山坡,尤如披上了白色的婚紗」。

Maud's Michelia - Snow-white Beauty of the Winter Mountain
The Maud's Michelia (Michelia maudiae), one of the most beautiful winter wild flowers in Hong Kong, is a rare native evergreen tree recorded at only 3 locations in the terrirories. The whole tree is covered by large white Magnolia-like blossoms in January, each with brilliantly yellow stamens at the centre at a background of glossy dark-green foliage.  This species of Michelia, closely related to the garden magnolias and unique to Hong Kong, was first discovered in the 1900's by S.T.Dunn, who was working at the Bontanical and Forestry Department and named the plant after his wife. Maud's Michelia is a protected species under Forestry Regulation Cap 96.

The location in which the speciment was discovered had been much publicized when it was described in 1985 by Derek Kamp in his famous book "12 Hong Kong Walks", and the beauty of the plant had been appreciated by many plant-lovers since. Unfortunately, the scene of "the hillsides below Sunset Peak take on a bridal look as the trees with their crown of blossoms stand out for miles around", as described by Kemp, has somehow disappeared in recent years for some reasons. However, watching carefully, one can still pick out the small white patches of their creamy blossoms from the summit of Sunset Peak. During a visit to the site in January 2001, only a single speciment in bloom was found hidden among the dense woodland near the summit, far away from the original site described by Kemp.

Friday, December 15, 2006

蘭香滿崗 - 淺說蘭花 Sweet Wild Orchid Scent – An Introduction

蘭香滿崗 - 淺說蘭花

開花植物之中,蘭花是廣為世人喜愛和傳頌的花卉之一。中文的園藝學書籍,把蘭花分為國蘭和洋蘭兩大類,國蘭所指的品種,多為具有香味的蕙蘭屬(Cymbidium spp.)的狹葉地生蘭,如春蘭、素心蘭、報歲蘭等。傳統上中國人獨愛國蘭,賞蘭重其氣質,愛其花之淡雅幽香,愛其葉之優雅形態。中國人欣賞蘭花,源遠流長,蘭花的採集、馴化與栽培,可上溯至二千四百年前的春秋時代,孔子更以蘭的特質比喻人的氣質品格:「芝蘭生幽谷,不以無人而不芳,君子修道立德,不為窮困而改節。」因此蘭花又被稱為「花中之君子」 。


除了觀賞價值外,傳統中醫藥中,石斛蘭屬植物的莖具有清熱生津、滋陰補胃、明目、抗衰老、免疫調節等藥理作用, 野生的石斛蘭,更是名貴的中藥材。

(圖) 北海道礼文島特産的兜蘭/拖鞋蘭,屬日本的特定稀少植物、
  Cypripedium marcanthum Sw. var. rebunense  

  Rebun Lady's Slipper 礼文敦盛草 レブンアツモリソウ
  Orchidaceae 蘭科

Sweet Wild Orchid Scent – An Introduction

Among the many flowering plants, the orchid family is one of the most favourite and praised. Orchids are traditionally divided into two groups by the Chinese horticulturists : the Chinese Orchids and the Foreign Orchids. The Chinese Orchids include mainly those sweet-scented terrestrial Cymbidium spp. with narrow leaves. The Chinese have a 2400-year-long history of appreciating, collecting and cultivating the Cymbidium. They love the sweet flower scent and the elegant leave shape of the Cymbidium orchids, and the human virtue they symbolizes. The famous Confucius once said, “Orchid grows in the shaded valley, keeps on releasing its sweet scent though there is no one around to praise it. Likewise, a man of noble character should show his virtue even when in poverty.” and hence the other name for the Cymbidium orchids, “Flowers with a noble character”.

Any orchids other than the Chinese ones are called the “Foreign Orchids”. Those are mainly the colourful species from the warm and humid areas of Tropical Asia, Central and South America, including the Cattleya, queen of the orchids. Unlike the Chinese orchids, foreign orchids are praised for their flowers, especially the shape, colour and size of the flower. The Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Paphiopedilum, Coelogyne, Vanda and Oncidium are the most popular species. Cultivation of and passion for orchids in the western world started in England, then spreaded to American and Japan. Nobles of the Victorian England kept gardeners and orchid hunters under their service. Orchid hunters were sent oversea, risking their life searching for the beautiful exotic orchids around the world for their masters’ botanic gardens and estates. In recent years, orchid enthusiasts have turned their eyes on the exotic native species. Wild orchids collectors roam around the jungles day and night for the specimens.

Apart from the ornamental value, the wild specimen of the Dendrobium spp. of the Orchid Family is also a very valuable medical herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is an effective anti-inflammatory and fluids replenishing agent, and used as a Yin tonic which moistens the stomach and lungs. It is also used to improve eye-sight, postpone aging and regulate immune function.

Nowadays, wild orchids all over the world are under threats of the lost of their natural habitats. Many have been suffering from extensive illegal collection over the years due to its high ornamental and medical value, and became quite rare in the wild.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

赤子心 看世界 See the World through the Eyes of a Child

赤子心 看世界





進進的作品 - 碼頭 (原圖by ) (c)森之Blog

引用網誌:「仔仔的作品 - 碼頭」 by

See the World through the Eyes of a Child

This is Chung's second year in kindergarten. Chung is the little boy of my blog-mate Sam. In order to spark the imagination and creativity of the children, the teacher had asked the parents to prepare some used paper boxes for the art class. A week later, Chung brought home the result of his own creation. It was made up of a pile of boxes, with an cuboid piece standing upright on the top at the middle, and a plastic biscuit packaging tray placed at an angle to the horizontal at the front. Sam had absolutely no idea what it was supposed to be until Chung told him that "it is a ferry pier, Dad". "Speechless with a wide-opening mouth" was Sam's immediate reaction, but he managed just in time to make up a white lie by praising the boy of being creative and smart, something very important in nurturing the boy's self-esteem and creative mind.

By looking at the picture of Chung's creation, I found that he was actually rather thoughtful. It made me think of the old Star Ferry Pier at Central, since I could see the central upright cuboid piece being the Clock Tower. Unlike the adults, children have a much simpler view of the world. They only see the main part(s) of each thing. When my nephew was three, his drawing of a fish was always an ellipse with a triangle on one side, high-lighting the two main physical features of a fish, the round and stream-line body with a triangular tail for swimming. It was possible that the recent frequent appearances of the Star Ferry Pier Clock Tower on the news or the pictures of that being shown by the teacher in the art class had impressed Chung so much that the idea of "Clock Tower = Ferry Pier" had rooted. Using the biscuit packaging tray to represent the steps in front of the pier showed Chung's ability to correlate the similarity between the two – both being step-shaped.

My colleague told me an interesting story about her recent visit to her friend's house. Her friend had an 8-week-old son, though still a hands-and-knees crawler, was in the mood of exploring every single corner of the house. Once the baby was on the move, parents would make special safety precautions around the house in order to make it baby-proofing. However, there would always be something that had been overlooked. When my colleague entered the house of her friend, he was actually crawling after his baby son on the floor, looking upwards and around from time to time like a curious baby. He was not playing with his son, as he said smilingly, but carrying out an important task - checking out all spots of potential dangers to a crawling baby in the house, and the best way to spot potential dangers is to get down on one's hands and knees and crawl around looking at the house from a baby's eye view. See the world through the eyes of a child, and that is the only way you can truly understand his/her mind.

After all, we all have been children, but where have your pure and innocent heart of a child gone? Left in some dusty and forgotten corner of our past, perhaps .

Tuesday, December 12, 2006











配藥室的姑娘把藥遞給我,我循例看看藥名:Ambroxol HCl 30mg、Dexmin、Reutoo Syrup,都是鼻敏感、傷風、化痰止咳的藥。咦,是否我對醫生詳述徵狀時說錯了些什麼呢?不過我不是專業,還是吃完了藥看看怎樣再算吧。

* 頸部淋巴脹大,從中醫角度來看,可能是興核──尤其是在頸部出現,單粒、起病急、少許痛楚,與口腔、咽喉感染有關,通常可找到病灶,例如﹕喉炎、牙周炎等令淋巴受感染而起,坊間亦俗稱痰火核。

Tuesday, December 05, 2006










附錄:原曲歌詞 ©環球唱片

《天水‧圍城》   曲:Edmond Tsang  詞:林夕  唱:李克勤

圍住了的血汗 圍住了的跌宕 圍住了當初的厚望
圍住了的駭浪 圍住了的症狀 圍住了才易碰撞
他的一對父母 來又往 跨鄉過岸 才住這麼一角 越來越惡

圍住了冰雹 圍住了刻薄 圍住了爭吵的配樂
圍住了升學 圍住了收穫 圍住了便了解何謂罪惡
自成一國 但見他 找尋快樂
然後卻 越來越渴 越來越覺 沒能力去闖出沙漠

*誰策劃這寸地尺土 人擠逼中便容易退步
 他 親身真正感到 尺地寸金
 人便會無餘地平和獨舞  要見步行步 無車票又怎去覓去路
 赤地太濕 這地球沒芳草  文明繁盛有甚麼好

圍住了可向下 圍住了可向上 圍住了都可找對象
圍住了可以做 同伴裡的偶像 圍住了沒電腦可思想

氣候太涼 像殘酷得天生等天養
怨恨 暴燥 壓抑 唯有 記住 人靜便心涼

願國寶 領會到 沒看倌 仍獨舞
唯願他 能跟相戀的共同上路

誰憑權力照料 這寸地尺土 難為他不管平日惡耗
他 親身感覺得到 尺地寸金
人便會無餘地平和獨舞 要見步行步 無車票又怎去覓去路
赤地太濕 這地球沒芳草 全憑勤力上路

圍住了的國度 圍住了的血路 圍住了他都肯照做
牆沒有給拆掉 城沒有給棄掉 牆令到他攀登進步






Monday, December 04, 2006




畢業後回到香港,私人的空間沒有了,所以我十分珍惜假日可以獨處的時間,一個人去登登山、游游水、逛逛博物館,自得其樂。大家一定以為我是個很孤僻的人,認識我的朋友就知道完全不是這回事。我也很享受與朋友一起的時光,但一個人總不能整天與朋友嘻嘻哈哈地過,當我需要休息,需要處理自己的事情的時候,我就不想分心。事實上我有太多積壓的私事未了:做了多年都仍未完成的網頁、多年以來未寫的遊記、幾個月拍下的數碼相片還未下載到電腦硬盤、要周未前趕起校友會通訊的排版,近月還開始了寫網誌… 太多的要完成,太少的時間了,你說我還有時間寂寞嗎?



Sunday, December 03, 2006






一向都反對這一類形式的放生。從一個環境保護的角度看,在野外放生一些外來的品種,很多時候是直接地破壞了當地的生態,因為外來的品種可能兇猛兼生命力強,往往令原本的野生品種滅絕。在本地溪澗放生的巴西龜,就是典型例子。另一方面,把一個品種帶到牠們無法適應的地方放生,無疑是讓牠們去送死。再者,為了要有動物供人放生,無辜的野生動物往往會被人捕捉,運到市場供放生的的善信購買,在台灣就有佛堂視為生意經營。過程中動物受傷、受驚、甚至死亡。如此一來,放生的善信不但沒有「積功德」,反而是在間接地作孽。 港台兩地向來都有許多佛教徒為稟承「眾生平等,戒殺生」的宏旨,到市場買小動物來放生積福。曾到泰國佛寺參拜的朋友都知道,佛寺周圍有許多專門兜售雀鳥、魚和龜的攤販,專供人放生來積功德。泰國一位在帕南瓊安寺任副主持的高僧比巴德瓦拉博法師就曾在《曼谷郵報》中公開呼籲,購買動物放生的「積功德」行為,其實是作孽,因為此舉吸引許多小販專門兜售「放生動物」,待人放生後馬上捉回再賣,令小動物苦上加苦。











Thursday, November 30, 2006








Wednesday, November 29, 2006





Monday, November 27, 2006









分享阿拉斯加帝王蟹 (タラバガニ)

今天晚餐: 鮭魚卵飯(いくら丼,三文魚籽飯)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006




Friday, November 17, 2006

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

因為要通宵工作,夜深人靜,我戴上了耳機,放一張節奏比較慢的舊歌CD,一面聽一面做。耳機傳來一首The Hollies的70年代歌曲,歌聲在口琴伴奏聲中響起...  

 The road is long, With many a winding turn 
 That leads us to who knows where, Who knows where 
 But I'm strong, Strong enough to carry him 
 He ain't heavy, he's my brother  

 So on we go, His welfare is of my concern 
 No burden is he to bear, We'll get there 
 For I know, He would not encumber me 
 He ain't heavy, he's my brother  


好多年前有一個某大名牌電腦的電視廣告,畫面上只見一群大象在一片起伏的黃沙中前進。一隻落單的小象,因筋疲力盡,無法攀上沙丘頂,一隻大象趕來到牠身後,用鼻子把牠往上推,小象終於上了沙丘頂,追上象群繼續上路.....背景的音樂,是口琴聲中的"He ain't heavy, he's my brother"-「他並非負累,他是我兄弟」。

當年我看這個廣告時,每次歌聲響起,心裡都不期然一陣悸動。今晚重聽這首歌,那種感覺依然。 這歌詞中的名句,據說是源自1924年美國一本關懷兒童團體的雜誌上的一篇專欄文章,文章描述一個身材瘦弱的小男孩,揹負著他的弟弟,吃力地橫過馬路走向公園。對於路人的關心,他只微笑著回答"He ain't heavy, he's my brother"。40年代美國關注兒童機構Boys Town創辦人費納根神父(Father Edward J. Flanagan)為了建立一個機構來收容和關懷社會上遭到遺棄的孩童,努力募捐,這些原本非親 非故 的孩童,在他心目中都是他的親弟妹, “He ain't heavy” 亦是他常掛在口邊的名言。





  It's so long long road from there is no return 
  While we're on the way together why not share 
  And the load doesn't weigh me down at all 
  He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

  漫漫長路, 只能前進,沒有回頭 

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

知床旅情(三)-雙瀑篇 A Journey to Shiretoko (3)-Twin Falls





落差50米的「オシンコシンの滝」是知床八景之一、日本百大名瀑之一,又稱「双美の滝」 (雙美瀑布),亦稱夫妻瀑布,原因是瀑布由兩道平行的瀑水組成。雨後的瀑布,更為壯觀,不單只瀑前揚起陣陣氤氳,原本並排的雙子瀑,已變成上半的三瀑和下半連成一幅的瀑水,就像一位在日本傳統「神前式」婚禮上的新娘,穿上潔白絲綢花嫁禮服「白無垢」,拖著裙擺緩步踏上神壇。

A Journey to Shiretoko (3) – Twin Falls

The weather in Shiretoko peninsula could change dramatically, jumping from sunshine to rainstorm in a few minutes’ time on my way to the youth hostel at Iwaobetsu. It was still rather cold in Hokkaido early in June. The mountains are still snow capped, and I could feel the chill even staying at low ground.

The youth hostel by the Iwaobetsu River bank at central Shiretoko could be reached by bus. Most parts of the peninsula were countrypark land, and traffic was under strict control. Except in July and August, there were very few bus services in the park each day. Lined by the shoreline cliffs, Shiretoko peninsula is a paradise of coastal waterfalls. Streams of the Shiretoko Mountains plunged down from the cliff tops before running into the sea. My original plan was to get off the bus and visit the Oshinkoshin Fall on my way to the hostel, and hopped on another bus one hour later. The bus moved on in the chilly rain. Just when I was hesitating on whether I should change my plan or not, a wide and roaring waterfall came into my sight through the window all of a sudden. This surely did helpe me to make up my mind.

The waterfall was located right beside the road. There were few visitors at the time, but they had all crowded into the souvenir shop. I was not planning to but anything so I just waited outside for the rain to stop, side-by-side with the fat cat which probably had just escaped from the over-crowded shop. The rain started to die down a bit. I took no time to waste and ran straight to the waterfall.

The 50-meter-high waterfall was one of the eight famous sights of Shiretoko and classified as one of the top 100 Japanese waterfalls. It is also known as the "Twin Beauty Falls" and "Husband-and-wife Falls" due to the two parallel water streams that made up the waterfall. After the heavy rain, the waterfall became even more spectacular, not only covered by the sprays sent out by the falling water, but the twin falls now transformed into triplets, with the lower parts merging into a lace curtain of water, resembling a Japanese bride at a traditional Shinto wedding ceremony on her pure white silk shiromuku (the traditional wedding kimono).
There was a trail leading uphill to another viewing platform for the waterfall, but I had to give up the side trip since the trail was extremely muddy and too much time had already been wasted on waiting for the rain to stop.

知床旅情(二)-趕路篇 A Journey to Shiretoko (2)–Getting There






"のびのびカーペット"一名源自"Nobi-nobi Carpet",顧名思義,車廂內沒有床鋪,只在地台上鋪上地毯,大家排排臥,像睡榻榻米一般。地台雖然鋪了地毯,不習慣睡硬板床的朋友,可能會睡不安寧。



A Journey to Shiretoko (2) - Getting There

Due to the very expensive air ticket from Hong Kong to Hokkaido, I took a rather long and complicated route via Tokyo, Aomori to Sapporo. Shiretoko peninsula is the northern-east most territories of Japan, and the whole route was made up of 6 train rides and a bus ride, including a over-night ride on the train., but this was really nothing in comparison to my previous European trips. I had already brought the JR train pass, and I could save the hotel money too. That is what I normally do when I am travelling overseas as a backpacker.

The northwards Shinkansen super-express train from Tokyo stopped at Hachinohe, from where I needed to hop on another train to Aomori for another over-night train to Sapporo. They did have sleeping cars on the train, but it was so expensive that I would be better off staying in a hotel for the night. Unknown to many travellers, there is in fact another kind of sleeping car on the "Hamanasu" Over-night Express from Aomori to Sapporo. It is called the"Nobi-nobi Carpet". There is no extra charge for JR Pass holders to reserve a "Nobi-nobi Carpet" place. As its name suggests, the sleeping car is just a single long carpeted platform, and people sleep on it like the traditional Japanese tatami. It is very popular among the over-night travellers and reservation is highly recommended. Not suitable for people who get used to soft bed though.

The Hamanasu train arrived at the Sapporo station around 6 a.m. early in the morning, when the place was already packed with the early birds rushing to work or school. The train ride from Sapporo to Abashiri was rather pleasant as the train dashing through the countryside of northern Hokkaido. The scenic ride from Abashiri to Shiretoko Shari took me right into the gateway to the Shiretoko peninsula, running along the coast, passing through natural wetland reserve for waterfowls, and with the beautiful view of the snow capped Shiretoko Mountain Range as the back ground.

The amount of time took me from the Narita airport to the town of Shiretoko Shari ? 24 hours and 15 minutes exactly.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

深秋蝶影 Autumn Butterflies








Autumn Butterflies

Autumn came late this year after the hottest October on record. Only when it suddently got cooler these days that I realized it was in fact already late fall. I could feel the coolness in the air while standing on the hill top during a hiking trip in the Tai Lam area two days ago. The Tai Lam Country Park was in a horrified state after the recent disastrous hill fire. In fact the entire area was burnt to the ground with total loss of trees, leaving only small patches of bushes un-touched near the gully floors. As I walked through these patches of surviving greenery, I saw quite a number of butterflies gathering in the bushes, and dead ones at the dried stream bed too. I had no idea if this was the result of the destruction of their natural habitat by the fire, or was just the beginning of the normal winter gathering habit of the butterflies.

According to my friend, there was a gathering of the butterflies on the otherside of territories too, so many that it could be described as “covering the entire hillside”. I had seen this kind of situation too, but that would normally happen in the late Decembers.

Most species of butterfly die in winter. After having completed their life cycle by laying down clusters of egg at the end of the season, they have come close to exhausting their life and strength, and die as the temperature drops. Some species do gather in flocks and survive the winter in their adult form. In order to escape from the cold weather, they migrate like birds, stay in the warmer valleys in the south until the winter ends. A few spots in Hong Kong have been known to be the sites of such “Winter Butterfly Valleys”. Some stay in these valleys for the whole winter, but some (like the Common Tigers) continue their southbound journey after staying for a few weeks. Only those survive the winter are able to produce their offsprings in the coming spring back in the north.

I have had the privillege to visit one of the winter butterfly valleys in Siu Lang Shui with the local butterfly specialist Vor Yiu years ago. In the winter drizzle, the sight of tens of thousand of Blue-spotted Crows hanging on trees all over the hill-side was turly spectacular, but the valley floor covered by thousands of died butterflies was a much more shocking scene. After flying for thousnads of miles and hoping to escape from death by freezing, their exhausted bodies were eventually unable to survive the cold winter shower. By looking at that horrifying scene, one could not stop thinking how fragile life could be.

In order to take photos of a spectacular scene, some people would make the exhausted butterflies fly by disturbing them. I strongly against this kind of activity, since that will be a further and fatal drain on their already weakening strength.

In the romantic Chinese legend of the Butterfly Lovers, Liang and Zhu ended their own life in order to escape from the controls of their fathers and the patriarchal society, and transformed into a pair of butterfly, staying togather forever. However, the survival of a butterfly is by no means close to romantic but brutal in real life.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

一個平凡的日子,一個平凡的人 An Ordinary Day for an Ordinary Person




An Ordinary Day for an Ordinary Person

Today is just an ordinary day for many people, and for me too. Billions of people was born in this very same day in the past centuries, including myself, so there is nothing special about it. Getting up early in the morning as usual, and go to work as usual, just be grateful that life has not been hard on me up to this very minute.

I just want to say, thank you so much, Mum and Dad, and my little brothers, and you all who have walked with me through life in these past years.



You by my side that's how I see us
I close my eyes and I can see us
We'll on our way to say "I do"

I see us now your hand in my hand
This is the hour, this is the moment
And I can hear sweet voices singing
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria.

婚宴中播起了羅渣士(Julie Rogers) 的著名歌曲「婚禮」(The Wedding) ,這首舊歌在香港近年又成了新人們的寵兒、婚宴中的必備歌曲。最初認識此曲,是方逸華主唱的國語版「花月佳期」。讀書時喜歡聽電台的懷舊金曲節目,初次聽到這首歌曲的旋律,已覺得很吸引,但只知是來自1966年版一張名為「小雲雀」的電影原聲帶唱片,後來才知道有英文版本。不過原來英文版本也不是原裝,它是取自阿根廷歌曲、Joaquim Prieto所作的 La Novia,意思即fiancèe(未婚夫/妻)。心想,如果某天自己結婚,婚宴上也要選播這首歌。














Tuesday, November 07, 2006


You by my side that's how I see us
I close my eyes and I can see us
We'll on our way to say "I do"

I see us now your hand in my hand
This is the hour, this is the moment
And I can hear sweet voices singing
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria.

婚宴中播起了羅渣士(Julie Rogers) 的著名歌曲「婚禮」(The wedding) ,這首舊歌在香港近年又成了新人們的寵兒、婚宴中的必備歌曲。最初認識此曲,是方逸華主唱的國語版「花月佳期」。讀書時喜歡聽電台的懷舊金曲節目,初次聽到這首歌曲的旋律,已覺得很吸引,但只知是來自1966年版一張名為「小雲雀」的電影原聲帶唱片,後來才知道有英文版本。不過原來英文版本也不是原裝,它是取自阿根廷歌曲、Joaquim Prieto所作的 La Novia,意思即fiancèe(未婚夫/妻)。心想,如果某天自己結婚,婚宴上也要選播這首歌。




Friday, October 27, 2006





大學時參加過合唱團,自己雖然喜歡古典音樂,但因先天不足,歌藝一向不敢恭維,參加合唱團,是為了滿足表演慾而又可避免到出醜,坦白點說,就是濫竽充數。合唱團每年有兩次公開演出,歐洲的合唱音樂起源自宗教聖樂,所以曲目中例必有宗教合唱音樂。那一年的曲目是莫札特的《小彌撒曲》Missa brevis in B-Dur KV275。彌撒曲是用自己一竅不通的拉丁文唱的,自己也不是教徒,練習時口中唱著聖曲,心卻無甚感覺。演出場地是大學附近的一座中古教堂,到了表演當日,我們站立在莊嚴的聖壇前演唱,古雅的教堂內迴響著風琴聲和我們彌撒曲的歌聲,忽然間心裡一陣感動,平時不覺怎麼樣的歌聲,好像變成了天籟一般。



Tuesday, October 24, 2006

知床旅情 A Journey to Shiretoko (1)


知床一名來自愛奴語的「シルエトク」(sir etok),意即「大地之盡頭」,或「大地突出之所」。知床半島位於北海道的東部,伸入鄂霍次克海中,貫穿半島中部的「知床連峰」是一系列高度超過1,500公尺的火山,其中包括了知床半島最高峰-1,661公尺高的羅臼岳。



A Journey to Shiretoko (1)

Early summer in 2006, when most parts of the highland of Hokkaido were still covered by snow, I took a trip to Shiretoko, one of the few remaining true wilderness in Japan.

Located on the easternmost portion of Hokkaido, the Shiretoko Peninsula protrudes into the Sea of Okhotsk and the Nemuro Straits. Running longitudinally through the peninsula, a series of volcanoes excessing 1,500m -high form the Shiretoko Renzan (Mountain Range), with the 1,661m-high Mt. Rausu (the highest peak on the peninsula) at the centre.

The name Shiretoko is derived from shiruitoku, an Ainu language word meaning "the end of the land" or "the place where the earth protrudes".

The peninsula was declared a National Park in 1964. It is one of Japan's most beautiful and unspoiled regions. The northern tip (Shiretoko Cape) is only accessiable by boats or by multi-day trekking. It is the home to a variety of wildlife, including the brown bears, the sika dears, the foxes, the Steller's sea eagles, the endangered Blackiston's Fish owl and the Viola kitamiana plant. It is also globally important for threatened sea birds and migratory birds, and for a number of marine mammals, including the Steller's Sea Lions.

In 2005, Shiretoko Peninsula was added to UNESCO's World Natural Heritage Sites List for the irreplaceable value of the peninsula's ecosystem and biodiversity.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Meeting the Muses

Meeting the Muses



有人會說,你就憑這些,竟然膽敢出來評論藝術? 當然不敢。其實人對美的感覺是與生俱來,每個人的感覺或有不同,也未必每個人都能表達出這種感受,又或提得出什麼理論,但對美的事物的讚賞和追求,人皆有之。專業理論我當然拿不出來,作為一個普通人的直覺和感受,我倒有一大堆,如果大家不怕沉悶,姑且讓我來胡扯一下吧。



眾位大師的珍品中,最吸引我的,是羅馬尼亞現代雕塑先驅布朗庫西(Constantin Brancusi)於1910年創作的的青銅雕刻《沉睡的繆斯》(Sleeping Muse)-黑暗沉鬱的展場中央,一座質材明亮的作品,最簡約的雞蛋型狀,幾條流暢的曲線,雖然很抽象,但明顯感覺到一張沉睡中的面孔,眉目間給人平靜、和平的感覺,又像一具面相詳和的佛像。

繆斯(the Muses)正是希臘神話中的藝術九女神,掌管詩詞文學、歌唱音樂、戲劇、舞蹈等創作藝術,英文Museum(博物館)一字,亦源於希臘文Mouseion,即藝術之神的寶座(a seat or shrine of the muses)。 繆斯雖然沉睡了,看來仍然沒有停止鼓動創作者的靈感,牽動觀者的遐想。


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lifetime Marathon 人生馬拉松 (2)

Lifetime Marathon (2)

I was never a strong person since I was a child, not even dare dreaming of myself becoming a runner. The P.E. class in school was meant to be a break for us students from the busy lesson schedule, but one of the subjucts - long distance running - was certainly a nightmare to me. I had to stop running each time I reached the 200m line, completely out of breath, accompanied by a painful stomach and strengthless legs. My P.E. teacher still let me pass the test, out of sympathy I guessed.

I started hiking regularly years later, and as a result becoming physcially fitter. Althought finishing the yearly 100km-long Oxfam Trailwalker walk-for-charity events was no longer a problem to me, I still could not run for any distance longer than 200m.

As part of the Trailwalker training, I finially start jogging 4 years ago. Still mixing running with walking at the beginning, but gradually manage to run non-stop for 1km, then 2km, 4km…eventually I was able to complete my first Nike 10km race by the end of the year. Still, completing a full marathon was omething beyond my imagination. I was not someone who would rash into things, therefore I took completing the half-marathon as my goal in the S.C. Hong Kong International Marathon in the following February. I had completed my very first full marathon 1 year later, and the full marathon in the coming Februaty will be my third.

Life is like a marathon race. It is not the momentary enjoyment of the feeling of speed that I am looking for, but to keep running to make it to the finish line.

It you ask me why I keep on joining the marathon race, it is because I am still able to do it, and feel good about it

人生馬拉松 (二)







Monday, October 16, 2006

Lifetime Marathon 人生馬拉松(1)

Web photo ©K.S.Down

Lifetime Marathon (1)

Shortly after the closing of the registration for the Nike 10K race, here comes the registration for the Hong Kong S.C. International Marathon next year. As usual, the network connection to the online registration servers was badly congested. Although Hong Kong is a highly competitive society, running is never very popular as a challenge and competitive sport, except for a bunch of enthusiasts and sportsmen. For most people, running (or more appropriately, jogging) is just a convenient way to keep yourself fit and healthy.

The recent raise in popularity of long distance running has made it more like a carnival event of the city than a sport competition gathering. Good or bad, it is really hard to say, as it depends on what is in the mind of the participant.

Most people in Hong Kong jog every day just for keeping fit. There is no difference in nature between an hour's jog in the park after work and the morning walk of their elderly parents. Some like it done with friends and neighbours, some prefer doing it in solitude with the help of the earphone set and loud MP3 music. Nevertheless, as "how long or how fast have the others run" is concerned, it's none of my business. If we take away the negative factor of air pollution (sigh!), any kind of moderate and adequate amount of exercise is surely good for our health.

For many others, running is a favourite socializing activity. It doesn't matter if it is on the outdoor Tartan tracks at the sport ground or the indoor treadmills in a fitness club, the purpose is clear : tapping information from and socializing with friends, and hopefully meeting more new friends. Since you can not just stand there when all others are running (as this will be too obvious, ha ha), you do gain something after all – some exercises. But beware of the unexpected side effect : you might gain even more – weight, as a snack or a drink after the jog is rather common among friends.

However, the recent sharp raise in popularity of the sport is just the result of "Be Trendy". Since sponsoring public event is a well known advertising tactic, it will not be surprising to see the push by the sponsoring parties in order to make the events a city carnival and the talk of the town. Image when everyone around you talks about joining the event, and pop stars' participation has become news headlines, how out-of-date people will think you are if you are unable to say "I have joined too". So what you will see are so many first-timers who have not even jogged once before the event, exhausted or even injured, on the day of the race. There are also many participants who know their limits, never plan to finish the race but to hop on the buses heading for the finishing point right after having a photo taken on the Tsing Ma Bridge.

Of course, there are always the most original and proper reasons for participating a sport event – for the great physical challenge to oneself and the fellow sportsmen, the prize and glory, or simply for the self-confidence and self-worthiness. However, since not everyone is born a sportsman, exceeding one's physical limits might result in permanent damage. Is this really worthed? Views and opinions do vary from individual to individual.

Indeed Life is like a marathon. We all have different goals, and it is quite all right. The important thing is to know clearly what your goals are, and not just following the others around you. At the same time, you got to know your own limits, and understand the price you might have to pay. It doesn't matter if you take it as a dynamic or a means-to-achieve in your life, as long as it does not hurt any other people, and you think the price paid is worthed, the term "Right Thing to Do" does not apply.








Friday, October 13, 2006

Floating Village within a Metropolis 繁華都市中的水鄉風情

Floating Village within a Metropolis

Start functioning since 1883, the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter is the oldest among the many typhoon shelters in Hong Kong, It used to be the most colourful and lively hub of floating restaurants at night, serving delicious seafood and fishermen-style congee (rice porridge) prepared by the fishermen at their "kitchens-on-the-sea", accompanied by the songs performed on tiny floating stages.

After several large-scale reclamations and the construction of the Island Eastern Corridor, the size of the Typhoon Shelter shrinked considerably, and so was the floating restaurant business. Still, its unique waterfront landscape and atmosphere of a floating village within a metropolis somehow manages to linger on.

However, the recent draft Wan Chai North Outline Zoning Plan has proposed a further 2-hectare reclamation along the waterfront for a Harbour Park, which would permanently change the face of the waterfront landscape. Although the Harbour Park proposal was later removed from the OZP, the proposed Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Island Eastern Corridor Link still require "adequate extent" of reclamation within the typhoon shelter, not to mention the addition of a artificial sandy beach.

In any case, the unique waterfront landscape of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter will be lost permanently.


灣仔北分區計劃大綱打算在銅鑼灣避風塘防波堤向外填海2公頃建「 海心公園」,避風塘風貌將被改變,雖然海心公園最終被刪除,但計劃中的中環灣仔繞道連接東區走廊,仍需在避風塘內灣作「適量」填海,甚至有人工海灘。


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Doesn't Matter If It Is … 不管…還是…都…

網上圖片 Image from the web


  - 已故中國領導人鄧小平論「實事求是」的經典語錄。

  - 香港特首曾蔭權回應前政務司司長陳方安生對他「強政勵治不等同有良政」的批抨。

(廣東話版 – 唔理著「面」定著「底」,一於入國務機要費。)  - 台灣總統府的國務機要費賬目,居然包括陳水扁妻吳淑珍與女兒的女性衛生用品和內褲。

Doesn't Matter If It Is …
Quotes On "Practicalism"

Grandpa Teng : Doesn't matter if it is white or black. As long as the cat catches mice, it is a good cat.
- Infamous quote from the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.
Bowtie Tsang : Doesn't matter if it is called strong governance or good governance, I take the one that is backed by good policies, public support, and able to strive for social consensus.
- Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive Donald Tsangi’s response to former chief secretary for administration Anson Chan's assertion that "strong governance was not quite a factor for good governance".
Ah Bien's wife (allegedly) : Doesn't matter if it is undies or punch, put that under Presidential Office's State Affairs Fund!
- Items found in the ledger of Presidential Office's State Affairs Fund in Taiwan : Ladies underwaers and sanitary pads for the wife and daughter of President Chen Shui Bien.

Monday, October 09, 2006








Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bewitched by Waterfalls 泉音瀑影, 總教我著迷


Browsing through some of the old files recently, I accidentally re-covered a scribbled note, which reminds me of a stream trekking trip years ago. It was a rainy summer…

“On a mid-summer day, I set out for a visit to the Ng Tung Stream in the Lam Tsuen Valley. Starting at the Man Tak Villa in the Ng Tung Chai village, I scrambled up-stream along the ravine. After the rain in previous night, the green valley was still filled by mist, with peaks poking out like fairy islands floating on a sea of cloud. Waterfalls plunged down from clifftops like snow-white silk cloths hanging on jade screens. I had visited all the waterfalls in the ravine : the Well-bottom Falls, hidden within a huge cave, so gloomy as it was at the River Styx; the Horse-tail Falls, bright and cheerful, sending sprays high around the waterfall, creating a misty ethereal atmosphere. It took me almost half a day to reach the Long Falls, since I had made numerous stops on the way, just to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls as well as to take dips into the crystal clear pools.

Sitting on a rock right in front of the Long Falls, I took my lunch while watching the 120-foot-long waterfall plunging down from the cliff top like the Milkyway pouring down from heaven. I continued to trek up-stream to the secluded ravine near the source of the stream, searching for the legendary Maiden Falls which had been described as ‘gentle and beautiful like a lotus flower emerging from the pool’. Finally when I reached the source of the stream and near the top of Tai Mo Shan, I was greeted by the sunset. Looking down from the mountain, the sparkling city light reminded me that I was back to earth again.

Behold the silver dragon that transforms into raindrops and showers down from the sky.
I search for the source of the stream through the mountain mist,
A journey with ever-changing scenery, like travelling between heaven and the nether world.
Deep in the dewdrops-covered recess of the secluded Ng Tung ravine,
the lonely waterfall by the overhanging cliff, like a lotus flower in solitude.”

I still recalled the early days when I was a beginner to hiking and mountaineering. I was already attracted to the sparkling mountain streams and waterfalls at the valley bottom during the hiking trips, wishing that one day I would be able to get close to these beautiful falls and cool waters. Stream trekking required experience as well as technique, and as a layman to stream trekking, I did not want to get hurt by any reckless attempt. Until one day, when my aunt, who was also a hiking enthusiast, said to me, “Why not try the Ng Tung Stream?”

Located deep in the valley of Lam Tsuen, the rugged and steep ravine of Ng Tung Stream consisted of overhanging cliffs and scree, and certainly not an easy route to tackle. However, since a hiking trail had been built along the ravine and all the dangerous spots were bypassed, the waterfall trip was in fact a safe and pleasant trail-walking journey. The hiking trail ended at the top of the Long Falls, therefore I had no luck to see the legendary Maiden Falls. That was my first serious stream-visiting trip, and Ng Tung had remained at the top of my list of favourite streams ever since.

After gaining enough experience and confidence by joining several group stream-trekking training, I came back to the valley of Lam Tsuen, this time ready for a trek of the Ng Tung Stream to its source. It was an unforgettable trip, not only because I had for the first time completed a stream trekking trip all the way to the source, but also the indissoluble bond with streams and waterfalls with which I had since then built.

It is raining outside. Looking out from the window, the Tai Mo Shan nearly disappears completely in the mist. The waterfalls over there must be spectcular by now.








