Friday, October 27, 2006





大學時參加過合唱團,自己雖然喜歡古典音樂,但因先天不足,歌藝一向不敢恭維,參加合唱團,是為了滿足表演慾而又可避免到出醜,坦白點說,就是濫竽充數。合唱團每年有兩次公開演出,歐洲的合唱音樂起源自宗教聖樂,所以曲目中例必有宗教合唱音樂。那一年的曲目是莫札特的《小彌撒曲》Missa brevis in B-Dur KV275。彌撒曲是用自己一竅不通的拉丁文唱的,自己也不是教徒,練習時口中唱著聖曲,心卻無甚感覺。演出場地是大學附近的一座中古教堂,到了表演當日,我們站立在莊嚴的聖壇前演唱,古雅的教堂內迴響著風琴聲和我們彌撒曲的歌聲,忽然間心裡一陣感動,平時不覺怎麼樣的歌聲,好像變成了天籟一般。



Tuesday, October 24, 2006

知床旅情 A Journey to Shiretoko (1)


知床一名來自愛奴語的「シルエトク」(sir etok),意即「大地之盡頭」,或「大地突出之所」。知床半島位於北海道的東部,伸入鄂霍次克海中,貫穿半島中部的「知床連峰」是一系列高度超過1,500公尺的火山,其中包括了知床半島最高峰-1,661公尺高的羅臼岳。



A Journey to Shiretoko (1)

Early summer in 2006, when most parts of the highland of Hokkaido were still covered by snow, I took a trip to Shiretoko, one of the few remaining true wilderness in Japan.

Located on the easternmost portion of Hokkaido, the Shiretoko Peninsula protrudes into the Sea of Okhotsk and the Nemuro Straits. Running longitudinally through the peninsula, a series of volcanoes excessing 1,500m -high form the Shiretoko Renzan (Mountain Range), with the 1,661m-high Mt. Rausu (the highest peak on the peninsula) at the centre.

The name Shiretoko is derived from shiruitoku, an Ainu language word meaning "the end of the land" or "the place where the earth protrudes".

The peninsula was declared a National Park in 1964. It is one of Japan's most beautiful and unspoiled regions. The northern tip (Shiretoko Cape) is only accessiable by boats or by multi-day trekking. It is the home to a variety of wildlife, including the brown bears, the sika dears, the foxes, the Steller's sea eagles, the endangered Blackiston's Fish owl and the Viola kitamiana plant. It is also globally important for threatened sea birds and migratory birds, and for a number of marine mammals, including the Steller's Sea Lions.

In 2005, Shiretoko Peninsula was added to UNESCO's World Natural Heritage Sites List for the irreplaceable value of the peninsula's ecosystem and biodiversity.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Meeting the Muses

Meeting the Muses



有人會說,你就憑這些,竟然膽敢出來評論藝術? 當然不敢。其實人對美的感覺是與生俱來,每個人的感覺或有不同,也未必每個人都能表達出這種感受,又或提得出什麼理論,但對美的事物的讚賞和追求,人皆有之。專業理論我當然拿不出來,作為一個普通人的直覺和感受,我倒有一大堆,如果大家不怕沉悶,姑且讓我來胡扯一下吧。



眾位大師的珍品中,最吸引我的,是羅馬尼亞現代雕塑先驅布朗庫西(Constantin Brancusi)於1910年創作的的青銅雕刻《沉睡的繆斯》(Sleeping Muse)-黑暗沉鬱的展場中央,一座質材明亮的作品,最簡約的雞蛋型狀,幾條流暢的曲線,雖然很抽象,但明顯感覺到一張沉睡中的面孔,眉目間給人平靜、和平的感覺,又像一具面相詳和的佛像。

繆斯(the Muses)正是希臘神話中的藝術九女神,掌管詩詞文學、歌唱音樂、戲劇、舞蹈等創作藝術,英文Museum(博物館)一字,亦源於希臘文Mouseion,即藝術之神的寶座(a seat or shrine of the muses)。 繆斯雖然沉睡了,看來仍然沒有停止鼓動創作者的靈感,牽動觀者的遐想。


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lifetime Marathon 人生馬拉松 (2)

Lifetime Marathon (2)

I was never a strong person since I was a child, not even dare dreaming of myself becoming a runner. The P.E. class in school was meant to be a break for us students from the busy lesson schedule, but one of the subjucts - long distance running - was certainly a nightmare to me. I had to stop running each time I reached the 200m line, completely out of breath, accompanied by a painful stomach and strengthless legs. My P.E. teacher still let me pass the test, out of sympathy I guessed.

I started hiking regularly years later, and as a result becoming physcially fitter. Althought finishing the yearly 100km-long Oxfam Trailwalker walk-for-charity events was no longer a problem to me, I still could not run for any distance longer than 200m.

As part of the Trailwalker training, I finially start jogging 4 years ago. Still mixing running with walking at the beginning, but gradually manage to run non-stop for 1km, then 2km, 4km…eventually I was able to complete my first Nike 10km race by the end of the year. Still, completing a full marathon was omething beyond my imagination. I was not someone who would rash into things, therefore I took completing the half-marathon as my goal in the S.C. Hong Kong International Marathon in the following February. I had completed my very first full marathon 1 year later, and the full marathon in the coming Februaty will be my third.

Life is like a marathon race. It is not the momentary enjoyment of the feeling of speed that I am looking for, but to keep running to make it to the finish line.

It you ask me why I keep on joining the marathon race, it is because I am still able to do it, and feel good about it

人生馬拉松 (二)







Monday, October 16, 2006

Lifetime Marathon 人生馬拉松(1)

Web photo ©K.S.Down

Lifetime Marathon (1)

Shortly after the closing of the registration for the Nike 10K race, here comes the registration for the Hong Kong S.C. International Marathon next year. As usual, the network connection to the online registration servers was badly congested. Although Hong Kong is a highly competitive society, running is never very popular as a challenge and competitive sport, except for a bunch of enthusiasts and sportsmen. For most people, running (or more appropriately, jogging) is just a convenient way to keep yourself fit and healthy.

The recent raise in popularity of long distance running has made it more like a carnival event of the city than a sport competition gathering. Good or bad, it is really hard to say, as it depends on what is in the mind of the participant.

Most people in Hong Kong jog every day just for keeping fit. There is no difference in nature between an hour's jog in the park after work and the morning walk of their elderly parents. Some like it done with friends and neighbours, some prefer doing it in solitude with the help of the earphone set and loud MP3 music. Nevertheless, as "how long or how fast have the others run" is concerned, it's none of my business. If we take away the negative factor of air pollution (sigh!), any kind of moderate and adequate amount of exercise is surely good for our health.

For many others, running is a favourite socializing activity. It doesn't matter if it is on the outdoor Tartan tracks at the sport ground or the indoor treadmills in a fitness club, the purpose is clear : tapping information from and socializing with friends, and hopefully meeting more new friends. Since you can not just stand there when all others are running (as this will be too obvious, ha ha), you do gain something after all – some exercises. But beware of the unexpected side effect : you might gain even more – weight, as a snack or a drink after the jog is rather common among friends.

However, the recent sharp raise in popularity of the sport is just the result of "Be Trendy". Since sponsoring public event is a well known advertising tactic, it will not be surprising to see the push by the sponsoring parties in order to make the events a city carnival and the talk of the town. Image when everyone around you talks about joining the event, and pop stars' participation has become news headlines, how out-of-date people will think you are if you are unable to say "I have joined too". So what you will see are so many first-timers who have not even jogged once before the event, exhausted or even injured, on the day of the race. There are also many participants who know their limits, never plan to finish the race but to hop on the buses heading for the finishing point right after having a photo taken on the Tsing Ma Bridge.

Of course, there are always the most original and proper reasons for participating a sport event – for the great physical challenge to oneself and the fellow sportsmen, the prize and glory, or simply for the self-confidence and self-worthiness. However, since not everyone is born a sportsman, exceeding one's physical limits might result in permanent damage. Is this really worthed? Views and opinions do vary from individual to individual.

Indeed Life is like a marathon. We all have different goals, and it is quite all right. The important thing is to know clearly what your goals are, and not just following the others around you. At the same time, you got to know your own limits, and understand the price you might have to pay. It doesn't matter if you take it as a dynamic or a means-to-achieve in your life, as long as it does not hurt any other people, and you think the price paid is worthed, the term "Right Thing to Do" does not apply.








Friday, October 13, 2006

Floating Village within a Metropolis 繁華都市中的水鄉風情

Floating Village within a Metropolis

Start functioning since 1883, the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter is the oldest among the many typhoon shelters in Hong Kong, It used to be the most colourful and lively hub of floating restaurants at night, serving delicious seafood and fishermen-style congee (rice porridge) prepared by the fishermen at their "kitchens-on-the-sea", accompanied by the songs performed on tiny floating stages.

After several large-scale reclamations and the construction of the Island Eastern Corridor, the size of the Typhoon Shelter shrinked considerably, and so was the floating restaurant business. Still, its unique waterfront landscape and atmosphere of a floating village within a metropolis somehow manages to linger on.

However, the recent draft Wan Chai North Outline Zoning Plan has proposed a further 2-hectare reclamation along the waterfront for a Harbour Park, which would permanently change the face of the waterfront landscape. Although the Harbour Park proposal was later removed from the OZP, the proposed Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Island Eastern Corridor Link still require "adequate extent" of reclamation within the typhoon shelter, not to mention the addition of a artificial sandy beach.

In any case, the unique waterfront landscape of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter will be lost permanently.


灣仔北分區計劃大綱打算在銅鑼灣避風塘防波堤向外填海2公頃建「 海心公園」,避風塘風貌將被改變,雖然海心公園最終被刪除,但計劃中的中環灣仔繞道連接東區走廊,仍需在避風塘內灣作「適量」填海,甚至有人工海灘。


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Doesn't Matter If It Is … 不管…還是…都…

網上圖片 Image from the web


  - 已故中國領導人鄧小平論「實事求是」的經典語錄。

  - 香港特首曾蔭權回應前政務司司長陳方安生對他「強政勵治不等同有良政」的批抨。

(廣東話版 – 唔理著「面」定著「底」,一於入國務機要費。)  - 台灣總統府的國務機要費賬目,居然包括陳水扁妻吳淑珍與女兒的女性衛生用品和內褲。

Doesn't Matter If It Is …
Quotes On "Practicalism"

Grandpa Teng : Doesn't matter if it is white or black. As long as the cat catches mice, it is a good cat.
- Infamous quote from the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.
Bowtie Tsang : Doesn't matter if it is called strong governance or good governance, I take the one that is backed by good policies, public support, and able to strive for social consensus.
- Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive Donald Tsangi’s response to former chief secretary for administration Anson Chan's assertion that "strong governance was not quite a factor for good governance".
Ah Bien's wife (allegedly) : Doesn't matter if it is undies or punch, put that under Presidential Office's State Affairs Fund!
- Items found in the ledger of Presidential Office's State Affairs Fund in Taiwan : Ladies underwaers and sanitary pads for the wife and daughter of President Chen Shui Bien.

Monday, October 09, 2006








Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bewitched by Waterfalls 泉音瀑影, 總教我著迷


Browsing through some of the old files recently, I accidentally re-covered a scribbled note, which reminds me of a stream trekking trip years ago. It was a rainy summer…

“On a mid-summer day, I set out for a visit to the Ng Tung Stream in the Lam Tsuen Valley. Starting at the Man Tak Villa in the Ng Tung Chai village, I scrambled up-stream along the ravine. After the rain in previous night, the green valley was still filled by mist, with peaks poking out like fairy islands floating on a sea of cloud. Waterfalls plunged down from clifftops like snow-white silk cloths hanging on jade screens. I had visited all the waterfalls in the ravine : the Well-bottom Falls, hidden within a huge cave, so gloomy as it was at the River Styx; the Horse-tail Falls, bright and cheerful, sending sprays high around the waterfall, creating a misty ethereal atmosphere. It took me almost half a day to reach the Long Falls, since I had made numerous stops on the way, just to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls as well as to take dips into the crystal clear pools.

Sitting on a rock right in front of the Long Falls, I took my lunch while watching the 120-foot-long waterfall plunging down from the cliff top like the Milkyway pouring down from heaven. I continued to trek up-stream to the secluded ravine near the source of the stream, searching for the legendary Maiden Falls which had been described as ‘gentle and beautiful like a lotus flower emerging from the pool’. Finally when I reached the source of the stream and near the top of Tai Mo Shan, I was greeted by the sunset. Looking down from the mountain, the sparkling city light reminded me that I was back to earth again.

Behold the silver dragon that transforms into raindrops and showers down from the sky.
I search for the source of the stream through the mountain mist,
A journey with ever-changing scenery, like travelling between heaven and the nether world.
Deep in the dewdrops-covered recess of the secluded Ng Tung ravine,
the lonely waterfall by the overhanging cliff, like a lotus flower in solitude.”

I still recalled the early days when I was a beginner to hiking and mountaineering. I was already attracted to the sparkling mountain streams and waterfalls at the valley bottom during the hiking trips, wishing that one day I would be able to get close to these beautiful falls and cool waters. Stream trekking required experience as well as technique, and as a layman to stream trekking, I did not want to get hurt by any reckless attempt. Until one day, when my aunt, who was also a hiking enthusiast, said to me, “Why not try the Ng Tung Stream?”

Located deep in the valley of Lam Tsuen, the rugged and steep ravine of Ng Tung Stream consisted of overhanging cliffs and scree, and certainly not an easy route to tackle. However, since a hiking trail had been built along the ravine and all the dangerous spots were bypassed, the waterfall trip was in fact a safe and pleasant trail-walking journey. The hiking trail ended at the top of the Long Falls, therefore I had no luck to see the legendary Maiden Falls. That was my first serious stream-visiting trip, and Ng Tung had remained at the top of my list of favourite streams ever since.

After gaining enough experience and confidence by joining several group stream-trekking training, I came back to the valley of Lam Tsuen, this time ready for a trek of the Ng Tung Stream to its source. It was an unforgettable trip, not only because I had for the first time completed a stream trekking trip all the way to the source, but also the indissoluble bond with streams and waterfalls with which I had since then built.

It is raining outside. Looking out from the window, the Tai Mo Shan nearly disappears completely in the mist. The waterfalls over there must be spectcular by now.










Sunday, October 01, 2006

True meanings of the Heart Sutra 心經的真義

True Meanings of the Heart Sutra

The Carving of Heart Sutra at Ngong Ping of Lantau Island consists of 38 10-meter-high timber columns carved with the calligraphy of the Heart of Prajña Paramita (Wisdom) Sutra from Professor Jao Tsung I, the master in studies of Chinese ancient civilization., To symbolize the Buddhist teaching of "That which is form is emptiness, That which is emptiness is form", there is a wordless column, namely the 23rd one, which was deliberately left blank.

The Carving of Heart Sutra project was completed and opened to the public in May 2005. In just more than a year's time, various problems started to appear on the timber columns, including spreading of wood-rotting fungi, worm-holes and cracking. One may still recall clearly the pledge from the government when tens of millions of dollars were spent on the project, promising that the advance technology of nanostructured coatings could preserve the wooden carving for at least a hundreds year. The explanation from the Architectural Services Department and Tourism Commission was that cracking on timber was a long existing natural phenomenon, and fungi growing on timber placed outdoor is nothing new either. However, no word was mentioned about the wormholes.

Under normal conditions, nanostructured coatings have to be re-applied every 3 to 5 years, due to the weathering effect of rain and sunlight. Problems appear much sooner than expected, indicating that it is very likely that the initial treatments of the timbers were not done properly.

Fungi start growing on top of some of the columns, some as big as the size of a palm, white or brown in colour, while others have wormholes. But the worst part of all is that cracks appear on all columns, and each has to be crowned by steel rings at the top in order to prevent further expanding of the cracks.

The local tree expert Professor C.Y. Jim pointed out that the problems of fungi and wormholes were clearly the indication of the decaying of the softer outer layer of the timber, and poor drainage design had further speeded up the rotting process. In fact Professor Jim had advocated for the use of stone material at the initial stage of the project. The main reason for the Steering Committee of the project to rule out the usage of stone was that they were worried about a "Stone Sutra Carving would eventually fall apart" due to weathering problems. But to many people's surprise, the material finally selected was timber. Professor Jao, the initiator of the project and the idea of timber carving, had expressed his deep concerns on the situation through his daughter and the Hong Kong University Jao Tsung I Petite Ecole, and wished that the government would look into the problems as soon as possible.

Master Ma, a web-pal of mine, has an enlightening comment on which I can't agree more :

" 'All dharma arise and cease according to the law of cause and effect.' The decaying of the timber columns is a perfect example of 'Impermanent'. The fungi on the top of the columns are actually preaching Buddhist sermon by showing us their survival ability. Just for the sake of another tourist attraction, the government not only killed 38 hundred-year-old trees for the timber, but the natural beauty of the green hill chosen as the site was also destroyed. People make extraordinarily painstaking efforts and spend millions of dollars, hoping to achieve 'Eternity', but at the end, so many brains of such high I.Q. were no matches for the primitive brainless micro-organism. Perhaps the true meaning of the Heart Sutra does not lie in the calligraphy of Professor Jao, nor on that wordless 23rd column. The true meaning of the Heart Sutra exists in that little mushrooms grown out from those decaying timbers, and in those nature loving and respecting hearts."





